
Website Design & Build and Growth Package

What they needed

Beavertown Brewery has emerged, in recent years, as one of the biggest and best craft beer names in the UK, thanks to its wonderful thirst-quenchers and highly distinctive brand. Once you’ve seen Beavertown, you will never forget it!

But their website had run its course and they were looking for a new Shopify specialist agency to take on the rebuild.

Lily Almeida, Beavertown’s Digital Design & Content Lead, says: “We needed an agency to rebuild our website. We had worked with an agency before, which we outgrew and our website wasn’t up to the standard we wanted. 

“So we needed an agency to review our website and consult with us on what they thought was best. We reviewed Quickfire’s website and thought they were exactly what we needed!”

What we did

Initial conversations cemented the belief that Quickfire was the right agency for Beavertown, as we knew this would be an exceptionally exciting client to work with.

Rather than move straight into a new website build project, we began the partnership on our growth package monthly retainer. This allowed us to analyse areas of the site which were performing well, test theories for site area improvements and ensure we could work well together.

As Lily says: “All at Quickfire seemed very enthusiastic and passionate about our brand and wanting to help achieve our goal.”

After a few months of building the partnership, and enhancing our intelligence about the business, we moved into the new build project.

What was the result

The new website had an immediate impact – with conversion rate improving by 17% year-on-year, average order value increasing by 9%, orders up by 18% and sales up by a very impressive 29%.

Analysis of the old site highlighted particular areas of poor performance on product pages so this was one area where we made major improvements through simplifying the customer buying journey.

The new site was also considerably faster than the old one, while there are big plans to enhance the site as a destination for users to enjoy the Beavertown experience even further.

Lily says of the new website: “It just looks better! Very cool animation and design that aligns with our brand perfectly. Improved UX across the site which will hopefully improve our conversion rate, and web speed improved to reduce bounce rate.”

What Beavertown said

We love working with Beavertown, and Lily adds: “The Quickfire team have been incredibly responsive, especially for tasks that need to be actioned quickly. Nathan is always a phone call away to get things sorted and it feels like the team genuinely cares about making our website look the best it can be!”

Got a project in mind? We’d love to hear from you.

Shopify Development

Wanting to improve conversion rate and in turn scale your e-commerce store? We specialise in building
Shopify and Shopify Plus stores that convert for our clients across the world.

Moving Platforms?

Website needing a refresh? Find out more about our goals focused approach for migrating platforms over to Shopify. 

Custom Integrations

The web is changing and fast. Maximise efficiency, scalability and profitability with a totally bespoke solution.

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